The world is changing – coming ready or not
What I feel most in commerce and industry fail to appreciate is the worlds economy is entering a critical period and their industry will not pass through this unscathed. I believe many have already been affected in deleterious way. I believe a number of factors cause this apparent oblivious condition to what is occurring in the global economy.
Firstly the intent of specialized education is to encourage people to cut off from all else and focus exclusively on their profession, in the interests of the commercial machine. Secondly, those who act as the front people for commercial interests took the money from the masses with ease during the good times. Now times are changing and becoming ‘tougher’, these same people are not about to educate the industry masses on what they need to do to empower themselves. Their methods of profiteering will only become more sharp, and less about you and more about the commercial machine. Desperate times lead desperate people to do desperate things. These models of commerce are not interested in change for the betterment of the world and the masses.
This is what I predict – most workers will be affected by the global economic downturn in ways they had not considered, not prepared for, and are not equipped to deal with. Yes, a shocking and controversial relative to what your industry ‘educators’ are telling you. And I would be happy if my predictions were off-track. But I don’t think they are.
Therefore I watch with interest as the majority in the work force seek to solve the problems of the new economy with solutions of the past. This will not work. The old values will not work. The era of lying, cheating and stealing is coming to an end. The era of economic entitlement is coming to an end. You are going to need to develop new values, new skills and work in new economic models. But don’t expect the average trend-spotting ‘educator’ fronting for a commercial interest to tell you this.
So I understand if my message is ridiculed and rejected. After all most of my innovations in physical preparation have been. Until of course, they reach a critical mass of acceptance at which time the trend-spotting ‘educators’ become not only experts but publish these ideas in the absence of referencing, for professional and commercial gain.
I am not alone in my concern for those who fail to read the economic writing on the wall.
This Bloomberg interview with Nouriel Roubini was sent to me. For those who are not aware of him, this is a extract from Wikipedia:
Roubini is an American economist. He anticipated the collapse of the US housing market and the worldwide recession which started in 2008 and ended in 2009. He teaches at New York University’s Stern School of Business
In a little over 3mins, he outlines what he considers could be the perfect storm confronting the global economy in the coming months. Given his track record, he is worth listening too
I say you need to take the blinkers of and look at the bigger picture. I say you need to ignore most of what you are being told to focus on. I recognize I may be alone in this message, but I will take no joy in looking back in the years to come if in hindsight you belatedly and in retrospect see the wisdom in this insight. Now is the time to take action, to move into the mind-set that will prosper in the ‘Age of Aquarius’.
To use a Napoleon Hill saying:
In every adversity lies the seed of opportunity.
I’m excited for the possibilities, but concerned for the masses who are trapped in the thinking they have been ‘taught’ to use. It’s not going to work in the new economy.
As a person who likes to develop and using sayings, in reference to the ‘new economy’, I now say:
There has never been a better or more important time than now to secure your future.
I commend those who did more than read my recent post – who took action:
Some people make things happen, some watch while things happen, and some wonder “what happened”?
Which person are you going to be? Because the world is changing – whether you are ready or not.